Our Places of Assignments
Behindertenhilfe Bergstraße
I am placed in an organization named Behindertenhilfe Bergstraße as a volunteer. This is an organization which is 45 years old which was started by an initiative of a parent who thought about creating opportunities for differently abled children. Today over 200 people with disabilities within the district of Bergstraße are part of the organization. The main aim and goal of the organization is to integrate the people with disabilities into the society and providing them a normal life. They also have their own Bands and Art exhibitions displaying beautiful paintings done their own painters which shows the amount of independence provided to the differently abled people.The organization has competent, recognized and efficient partners for customers from industry and business. They have committed and qualified specialist, advanced manufacturing techniques, high quality equipment which is properly being tested. One of the quotes which delights me the most is that no one is normal - a person is either more or less mentally fit. I hope that my journey in the organization helps them in the best way and guide me to take many lessons back.
-Shilpa Susan George
I am placed in an organisation named "NATURSCHUTZZENTRUM". The organisation is located in Bensheim. Naturschutzzentrum means that Nature Conservation Center and is a facility for environmental education. Which provides training and workshop about environmental issues and environmental conservation. The center itself known for its natural beauty.I hope that i can do my best by giving my own contribution and also waiting for enjoying the natural beauty of Naturschutzzentrum.-Aiswarya
Haus der Kirche
I am placed as a volunteer in the house of the church, seat of the Evangelische Dekanates Bergstrasse, which is centrally located in Heppenheim. It is the centre for the management and administration of the Deanary. Various projects and activities for the youths and children, Fair Trade, Education and Training, Ecumenism and Mission, Social Responsibility, Church music, Fundraising, Public Relations and Emergency Counselling in the organization will surely make my days memorable. In 34 church communities there are about 73,000 members in this Deanary.I hope that I could do my best in my abilities and learn as much from an organisation who support people in their personal development and who promote individual competencies and developmental abilities.
-Abhilash T.A
My place of assignment is a Kindergarden in Bensheim. "Kindergarden - which means garden for the children ". It is a preschool education based on playing , singing , practical activities, drawing and social activities. Their concept is to take the children's needs into an account. They focus on the interest of the children and they are partners of children. They work according to the principal of "open groups", that is, they work across groups. The children are permanently assigned to five main groups , each with two nursery teachers. The children have the possibility to use the entire facility with its varied offers in free time phase (7:30 AM - 10:45 AM). They will be having all kinds of learning like drawing, playing, movement play, colours, numbers, alphabets, how to eat, and how to dress. So I am going to serve and enjoy with the children.
-Evelin Jane Soundarya

Dedicating yourself and gaining experience..!!
The weltwärts programme is a development volunteer service for all interested young people. The focus is on making a concrete contribution to a development project, as well as learning from each other and facilitating intercultural exchange. With weltwärts you can improve your knowledge of language, gain work experience and acquire intercultural competency. This allows you to meet people from other cultures as equals. At the same time, you make a contribution to a German charity organisation.
You support your place of assignment, for example, in the work with children and young people, in education projects, in the area of health or environmental protection. You will help colleagues with their work and gradually handle your own activities. You can introduce your own knowledge and ideas in your volunteer service, which will also benefit your places of assignment. The places of assignment in Germany will gain, above all, intercultural competency through you. Interesting development talks will certainly also be initiated through the volunteer service and contribute to new prospects for work in the place of assignment and can lead to self-reflection there.
Your assignment in contexts where there has been little awareness of development hitherto or where this subject is not dealt with at all means that new target groups will be reached for development education work in Germany.
You can learn another culture more closely through life and work in that culture, and discuss ideas and perspectives on the living conditions, attitudes and habits with the people there. That gives you a new view of the world and your personal conduct. At the same time, you give the people with whom you come into contact during your work, in your host family or on the street a little insight into the culture of your country and different points of view.
Understanding global connections
Weltwärts gives you more insight into the reality of people in Germany and lets you overcome prejudices. Dealing with German culture also allows you to take a new, critical look at your own culture and personal habits. In reverse, you will also meet people who may have a stereotypical view of your country. You can contribute to the refutation of prevailing clichés in Germany through your stay. You will learn to understand how the future of the north and south depend on each other and what you can do yourself in order to contribute to a fairer and more promising world. Professional pedagogical support for the assignment is very important. It sensitises you to how you are influenced by your own 'cultural glasses', i.e. your own cultural background, when you have new experiences. It supports you in reflection on what you have experienced and helps you consider the diversity of things in a differentiated way.
Karl Kübel Stiftung für Kind und Familie is our host organization in Germany, which is a secular, charitable trust with its headquarters in Bensheim. It was founded by Karl Kübel, a former industrial entrepreneur who want to initiate a change in the general attitude towards families and children. They support parents to give their children security and love. To realize this vision, they encourage various initiatives of parents and self-help-initiatives.
Karl Kübel Institute for Development Education, is our sending organization from India. Since 1994, the institute serves it's social service mission of the foundation anchored towards sustainable development trainings, and sustainable development projects, both aiming at improving the quality of life of the people. It is located in Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu The Foundation [KKF] is active in identifying reliable and sustainable social development projects across the nation to promote an inclusive and egalitarian society. The Development Institute [KKID] strives to enhance human excellence in every individual across the verticals of development, education, government and corporate through quality training workshops and thematic seminars.
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