Morning i got a call from my Co-volunteer Shilpa, her voice mixed with lot of happiness and excitement she said " Aishu, please come out side, there is snowing". Immediately with all curiosity i ran out but there was no snow fall, Then only i realized that i was not in Bensheim but in Münster with my host sister. From the time we arrived Germany, the only question we four volunteers used to ask was "When it is going to snow?". Many of them said that it won't snow so early in the place where I live. But now breaking all these statements God showered snow for us. But unfortunately at that time i was not in my place,that was a big disappointment for me. The whole day with my host sister in Münster big Christmas market I was hoping that there had be snow. Since I never seen it before I kept saying to Rosa. Oh my God! It better to be snowing here also! I 'm going to be so sad and mad if i didn't see snow fall. But all the time she comfort me with hopeful words.
The same day evening i started my way back to Bensheim by train, all the way to my home I prayed to God when I reaching there some snows should be there. I started to push the time to run fast. But suddenly the train has stopped. All the passengers were seems like tensed, as I didn't understand the announcement which they made in the train as it was in German. I asked the girl who sat beside me. What she said was very shocking for me " One man crossed railway track while the train was running (Committed Suicide)". I felt very bad to be there in the train, I felt like I am in the hell. They announced that after clearing whole track only they will start. It will take five hours. Oh my God! I can't explain my feelings through words. It was really a tragic journey. One side I had hard feeling for the man who committed suicide, other side I felt I m very unlucky that i couldn't see snow fall.

Having lived in south part of India all my life where there is sun and rainy season were covered me all year round, the only time that I have seen snow in the movies and n the theme park (Artificial Snow). As I never been in the north part of India in the winter season, I never experienced it.

Since it is the first snow of the winter, It is not a very thick snow and unfortunately , the snow didn't last too long and by the afternoon the snow fall has stopped and the white slowly melted away, mixing with dirt in the ground and becoming a brownish slush.
Snow clearing machines were soon out on the street, clearing the main roads and drive ways, pushing the snow aside. Vehicles were driving more cautiously than ever, to avoid skidding.
Still waiting for seeing other day of white beauty......!!!