After my three months stay in Germany, many people around Germany and children from Naturschutzzentrum (My work place) bombarding me with a million questions up close breathing in my face. Some times its very hard and sometimes it is very interesting to talk about that....Here i wish to share Few questions which i heard many times from the German people and my views on that particular queries.
1. Is that India is similar like "Slumdog Millionaire"? Did they screened that Movie in India? Is everybody is poor?

"Slumdog Millionaire" was a British drama film loosely based on a Novel focusing the slums of Mumbai. Its necessary to keep this in mind before assuming that the whole country lives like that! In this movie the director showcasing his vision and a story which moved him. We cannot deny the fact that India is a developing country and even today people are living in slums due to its immense population but on the other hand India is a developing country where people have reached the moon too. India has a population of more than 1.2 billion people and the standard of living varies between urban and rural areas and also between regions. It is unfortunately that millions of people are below the poverty line, but slums are not the only types of accommodations we have out there. The country has the 6th largest economy in the world and has a high purchasing power index. Also people love watching movies. So, yes the movie was screened in India and no, everybody is not poor.
2. Oo ...You people have many festivals...!!! why? Do you celebrate Christmas in India?
Absolutely you are correct we have en number of festivals in India which is purely based on believes of Indian people. India is a secular country and we love observing all festivals and traditions. And all our festivals have some meaning and story behind it. In fact i am coming from Kerala, a Hindu family. still also we too celebrate Christmas too. I grown up by hearing and singing Christmas carols at schools and home every year. Not only Christmas but also all festivals belongs to different religion. I always admire my India for this Unity in Diversity.
3. Have you met Sharukh khan? How many movies come out every year? Why do you have so many songs? Why are they so funny?
No, i have not met Shahrukh Khan. Just like any celebrity he too cannot be met easily. Bollywood being one of the largest movie industry in the world have many actors and actresses. We as Indians love watching movies and its a ritual that every Friday a new film is released. Each state also have their own movie industry in their regional languages which again increases the number of movie.s released.
Exactly i don't know about the numbers movies which is released in this year. There are plentiful movies released in different languages. But i am sure that it will be like a stars i can't count it. Yes that's a lot of movies, a lot of investments, a lot of talent and nevertheless some elements of nonsense.
Why are there so many songs? i cannot tell you the exact reason, but i feel Music and Dance has been a part of the culture for a long time and good music can have a huge impact on the audience. some songs these days are made just so they are catchy, resulting in the commercial success of film. I don't know why it is funny...???
4. Do you have a lot of arranged marriage in India? How the people marry a strange person? Would you do that?
Getting married or finding the right partner is obviously a personal choice, and like many other things in life, "Whatever floats your boat". Please keep in mind that in many cases, "Arranged" refers to not marry a strange person, it means that arranged date or a set up or a virtual introduction, and they are not forced at gunpoint to get married! YES sometimes this happens quite a lot. I will say it's really depends up on the person's mind. In my perspective people have the freedom to choose their partner even if it is arranged and to make their own decision without any pressure whatsoever and they are happy. So without doubt i can say that definitely i will choose my own partner.
5. India is very dirty it so? .I don't want to visit anymore
We four volunteers met one strange Old Man, He gave an Open statement that "India is very dirty it so? .I don't want to visit anymore". Well it is an honest outsider view and touristy one at that.
I know why he said like that because every magazines, books, traveler's blogs and movies are only focusing to show the Unclean India and Poor children pictures. Whenever i am seeing a magazine here in Germany only i can see Picture of Slum, poverty and Polluted areas. I don't know why....!! There are millions of million things except these. But no one wants to see the positive part of India.
Oh friend!! That's your perception and wish to visit India or not !! you can do whatever you want. I will say that by seeing one part of the country or some kind of movies don't give such a open and worst statement because India is a very large and known for its diversity. India is the second largest populated country in the world and it is a developing country. But we Indians are doing our best to "clean our dirty parts of the country". But one request to all people, don't generalize things by seeing one part. From the last few years the Indian Government is trying hard to introduce ways to be more Eco-friendly. I am sure that after some more years our country became Clean one in Every perspective.