The days are become very close for VISA Interview. VISA interviews are always dreaded. Myself and my Co-Volunteer Abilash had our appointment scheduled on 24 March 2017 at German Consulate Bangalore,India. During that time I was in Pondicherry for the summer internship programme. I engaged with hectic works there at Ilaignarkal Education Centre, Auroville. In between this, the appointment for VISA scheduled...really i just put myself in the pressure cooker.... oh really fearful days. Endlessly i am receiving the Emails from KKID, KKS and from my Co-Volunteers. But in my place where i am doing my internship did not have proper range for internet and mobile. oh...God i suffered a lot...i frequently had a big war with internet connection. I thrash about to know things what is happening around... i realized the great truth...Internet speed up the world and life we live...!!We communicate quicker, we could by and sell quicker & we could find information quicker.So with dilemma of having no internet we'd surely expect the world to slow down, in communication, education, business and society...I had just gone through an imagination like a World Without Internet....oh my god it will be a dreadful life.
Ok...Ok come to reality. Definitely here i would like to thank my Co-Volunteer & my best friend Evelin...yahhh whenever email comes she immediately called me and pass the information even at the mid night too. Really Evelin you supported me throughout the VISA interview process. here I salute the quote "A friend in need is a friend indeed". Thank you dear.
The days become very close...In that time only i received the pathetic news from Evelin..the VISA Consulate Chennai send her back because she did not have enough of required documents. When i heard it i got severe heart beating much more speedy .. She also very much disappointed in that situation. Somehow we friends were motivated her. Again we together worked more for VISA Interview. As my interview date is very close i had a fight with the documents. Flurry of mails from KKID & KKS regarding the contract papers. Really we four are very grateful to KKID, KKS and the previous batch Volunteers from India to Germany for the timely assistance and moral support. When we got the new checklist stating that, some more additional documents are needed like Demand Draft, Wave fee letter etc. So the preparation started to arrange these also. As i couldn't go to bank here in the working times my brother took Demand Draft for me and he sent it to me. My brother assisted me in all the struggling times. I know for my dream so many well wishers worked behind it uncle, friends and family.
As i had to do my internship to complete my master degree i left from Coimbatore to Pondicherry in the month of may. it was very difficult task for me to arrange all the documents in a short period. Thus i finished my health check up in Coimbatore but i didn't received my Medical Certificate on time. As i was forced to leave from Coimbatore, without finishing my tasks. I really had undergone through a depressive mind...All that time my brother and friend gave moral support to me to accomplish all the tasks. They also worked for me to arrange all documents and they sent it to me. Finally the medical certificate stood as the main problem. After seeking permission from the organisation where i have done my internship, i went to the Government Hospital Pondicherry to inquire regrading this. They also said that it is not at all possible for me to get the certificate from there and i should go to the Hospital where i did master health check up to get Medical Certificate. I totally worried about the situations. Fortunately i shared all these situation to one of my Supervisors in the organisation. It was so helpful to me.. one of his friends is a Doctor in Government Hospital Pondicherry. He suggested me to meet her to solve the problem. I met her she suggested me to do any medical check up there then only they can give certificate. Finally i decided to do my HIV test there because i left out that test. Finally that task also completed with the help of so many good hearts I received my medical certificate too.
Whatever the documents which i need from the educational institution, without any hesitation my Head of the Department Dr.F.X.Lovelina Little Flower and other Faculty members sent me in the right time. I am also so grateful to my academicians who supported me instantly.
Finally the day came....24 March 2017. I reached Bangalore at 4.30 am. My VISA Interview scheduled at 11.30 am. I stayed in my brother's home. Its near to the Consulate. So we planned to leave from home at 10 am. I prepared well and cross checked that whether i missed any document. No....Completely perfect in my side. Myself and Brother came out...much hand waving to stop the taxis...No taxis were stopped. My state of mind flew away from me...By God Grace one Auto rickshaw stopped...with scurry i get into Auto rickshaw...again twist....God started to test my emotional ability. My bad luck...the Bangalore city explored to most awful traffic. Time was 11.15 am . My heart started to scream but my eyes does not shown that...I started to please the driver to ride some other way. May be he understood my pathetic condition he fond out a new root and also speed up his driving. Somehow i reached near to consulate but unfortunately the one way road started....the driver said that he cannot drive on that one way...oh God mind totally hands started to shivering... My throat become dry...All of sudden i got out from auto rickshaw and started to run by asking the way...oh mind was running fast but my legs were not speed up that much...Finally reached my destiny "German Consulate Bangalore"...Time sharp 11.25 am. When i saw Abhilash there....i took a deep breath....i put myself into the relax mode....
Myself and Abhilash entered into the "German Consulate Bangalore" after checking process. Pin drop silence...even i could listen my heartbeats....First the VISA Interview started for Abhilash. After few minutes they called my name..quickly i switched on my presence of mind. One Gentle Man inquired my details. By seeing my educational certificate he sai " This is not your VISA Consulate you should go to Chennai as you are studying in Tamilnadu for the past 5 years". I tried to explain him that i am residing in Kerala but he didn't listen me at all and he simply gave back all documents...i am really frustrated ...Next to my counter Abhilash was standing and he tried to say something to me but i couldn't get it... i heard only one word from him "Day Scholar". Thanks to Abhilash.... i told interviewer that i am a day scholar i am not residing in Tamilnadu. God...all documents returned back by the interviewer. The formalities finished they retained my Passport and Degree certificate with them and informed that it will takes approximately four weeks for the VISA process and they will inform me through Email. When they retained my passport and academic certificate, the words from Malathi mam came to my mind "After the interview if they retained the documents with them it is an indication that it is under process, if they returned our documents we need something else to complete our VISA formalities." So now myself and Abhilash got some tension free mind.
The days started to wait for someone special.....Yah....really special person in my life "Deutschland VISA"....i would like to describe it as a person because all the time i felt that it has vitality. Like how horn bill waits for rain, i was waiting for my VISA...its an awesome feeling...waiting for someone you love is never easy...but its a sign of true love. i had that love to my VISA. Every day i used to check my mail whether they acknowledged or not.
On 27 March 2017 my Email inbox was very pretty too see yaah really know why my inbox show casing a beautiful message that "Your visa application has been decided up on please pick up your passport" from VISA section German Consulate Bangalore. That moment i felt that i am the happiest person in the world...
I received my Passport with Deutschland VISA stamping on 3rd April 2017 from German Consulate Bangalore. I kissed my passport with lot of love...the precious moment...The best thing in life is not things...they are moments....!!! May be it could be a little moment that makes BIG CHANGE IN LIFE.
Here i thank all the hard times... without you i can ever feel my happiness this much....
The persons who loved me and supported me throughout the process My best brother Venkatesh, my uncle, My friends Shyam, Karthi, Achu & My family for their unconditional love and help. Without you all i cannot stand and fought with the harder times...Love you all to the core.
I thank KKID, KKS & Co-Volunteers Abhilash, Shilpa & Evelin for the timely assistance and support.😚
Now its time to pack all things for a best Journey....Dear past thank you for the best lessons...Dear Future i am ready to begin a new chapter......with a cute smile...😊😚