The year 2017 had been the greatest blessing ... the moment I received the news of being selected for the Weltwarts programme of 'Volunteering in Germany', I was the most happiest person in this earth. Even in my dreams I had not imagined about it and would thank Karl Kubel Institute of Development (KKID) for giving me this opportunity. On 6th January, I came to the KKID center for the interview process where I met the other participants and the previous batch volunteers who had returned from Germany. Every time an activity was conducted, a fear of whether the things I have done is good or not kept coming in my mind. Competition was tough, moreover, after hearing the experiences shared by the ex-volunteers ... the expectation for going to Germany increased even higher.
The best thing of this interview process was that I could get to know 7 beautiful souls who attended this interview process along with me and also got an opportunity to visit the beautiful KKID campus. Slowly, the 2 day residential interview came to an end and we all went back home. Within 2 days, the result was out in which I, Aishwarya, Evelin and Abhilash got selected for this programme. As written in Mathew 22:14 (Bible) - "Many are invited but only few are chosen". The feeling of being chosen was completely different, I felt as if I am on Cloud 9.
Finally on 27th January, 2016; we were called for the orientation programme, the bond among we four volunteers had grown even stronger in very few days. There was eagerness in our eyes to meet each other and finally we were introduced to our mentor from Germany. In the 3 days of the orientation, our workstation was decided, we were taught setting the dinning table and the best part was meeting the German volunteers who were here in India.
We got clarity regarding what we have to do, how Germany is, how are the people there, about the food, living conditions, the things we require to carry and every doubts which we had in our minds were cleared during the orientation.
Finally, the time came to sign the contracts....I had mixed feelings in my mind... Excited.. Scared.. Anxious.. Happy... and a hand shivering thinking - " ohh.. I shouldn't make any mistakes here". And yes.... we signed our contracts ... we are one more step closer to our dream destination... GERMANY!!!
We four stand together and are completely excited for our journey to Germany to just begin. To experience something which we have never experienced.
As the days goes by the lyrics of the song 'Thousand Years' by Christina Perri comes into my mind ... 'One step closer, one step closer,...'